Friday 25 September 2015

Auteur theory

Auteur is someone who is recognizable through their style, patterns, techniques, storytelling methods, themes, sometimes colour pallets, technical construction, dialogue/script and sometimes actors. 
Recognized by their identifiable style. 

Tim Burton is arguably an auteur because of his lack of variety. Micheal Bay is also arguably not an auteur.
Found as auteurs- Akira Kurosawa, Micheal Scorsese, Alfred Hitchcock, Coen Brothers, Stanley Kubrick, Wes Anderson, Hayao Miyazaki and Steven Spielberg.

JJ Abrams - directed Mission Impossible 3, Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, Super 8.
Obsessed with the mystery box.
Often uses the same editor, writer, music composer, and cinematographer.

Cinematographer- Dan Mindel
Writer- Roberto Orci
Music Composer- Micheal Giacchino
Editors- Maryann Brandon and Mary Jo Markey

Themes/techniques include- camera shake, lens flare, blackout+audio, close ups, blue tint, flashing lights/prominent use of artificial light, saturated colours, whippan, slow motion following the gun. pull focus, death & loss, mystery, duality, lying to a loved one, white male protagonist, strong female seconary characters, team/family/highly trained individuals working together.

Star Trek- 
Cinematographer- Dan Mindel
Writer- Roberto Orci
Music Composer- Micheal Giacchino
Editors- Maryann Brandon and Mary Jo Markey
Themes/techniques include- lens flare, dramatic music, explosions, pull focus, red lighting, camera shake, close ups, good gys losing, life cycle, sci-fi, sacrifices, heartbreak, close ups, damsel in distress, prominent artificial light, mystery, white male protagonist, authority incompitent, group of highly trained people/team/family working together, abandonment, saturated colours, ynamic camera movement. 

Super 8-
Cinematographer-Larry Fong
Writer-JJ Abrams
Music Composer- Micheal Giacchino
Editors- Maryann Brandon and Mary Jo MarkeyThemes/techniques include- saturated colours, dull colour pallet, pull focus, lens flare, camera shake, blue tint, explosions, strong female character, white male protagonist, mystery, sci-fi, dynamic camera movement, team/family, defying authority, lying to a loved one, daddy issues, loss of a family member.


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