Monday 14 September 2015

Sherlock analysis

BBC Sherlock Analysis Notes

costume- sherlock is wearing smart dark clothing making him look smart and possibly in control? Irene Adler is wearing nothing so that no hints to whether her character is good or bad are given away? 
Dialogue- Irene has a sultry, flirty tone and sherlock has a demanding and monotonal one
camerawork- closeup and sped up for deductions to make them appear that sherlock is deducing everything within seconds but slow when it comes to irene because he can't deduct anything.
editing- transitions from one place to the next, indoors to outdoors in one shot. 
music- builds tension
colour- light, pale neutral colours, hinting at a neutral sided character, but has red lipstick and red and black shoes, possibly to show danger. 
Power- whoever has power in the shot seems to be stood up, a shot from below to show they have power and a shot of the person not in control looking to their eyeline
gender- Irene uses her sexuality as a distraction to gain control of the convocation, male clothes the female. sherlock looks weak and panicky to get into the house and his demeanour changes when inside. Americans wearing black and have a weapon. 

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